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Buy a branch, join the club and become a bub club instructor.

Bub Club was founded by Samantha Salter and Natascha Barrett. The ONLY programme developed by Childbirth Professionals, Doulas, Breastfeeding Coaches, Baby Sleep & Wellbeing Specialists, Early-Years Teachers and Mothers.We are passionate about supporting mums and dads on their parenting journey as well as empowering mother's to become financially self sufficient while being at home with their bubs! Hence, the opportunity to become a Bub Club Instructor was pun intended...ha ha!


Do you have a passion for supporting mother's through pregnancy or guiding them on their parenting journey? Do you believe that it truly takes a village? Could you see yourself teaching Antenatal Classes or Mum and Baby Enrichment Classes? Have you always dreamed of owning your own business but still having the time and flexibility to be a mother yourself? Then owning a Bub Club branch might be perfect for you! 


We have two exciting branch options, the first is Bub Club Perinatal Care. This is best suited to qualified Doula's, Midwives or Gynaecologists. Alternatively we do have an option to have you qualify as a Childbirth Educator if you are not already in the birth industry. Please reach out to discuss your options.


The second option is our wonderful Bub Club Mummy & Me. This is best suited to someone who has children of their own and experience working with Mums and babies, Doulas, Breastfeeding Counsellors, play therapists, physios, OT's and so on. HOWEVER, a strong passion for

mothers is the key so even if you aren't qualified in the above, please don't let this stop you as comprehensive training is provided.​​​​


The curriculum we provide is unique and because of our qualifications, very thorough and support based.

We at Bub Club pride ourselves on providing one of the most comprehensive business offers in the “Mum & Baby” sector. We will provide you with a complete “BUSINESS IN A BOX” which takes all the pressure off of you to have to source basic equipment for the classes you will be teaching. 


As a Bub Club instructor, you will receive training, curriculum and teaching equipment as well as receiving continued support from Bub Club Head Office with regards to marketing, social media and ongoing advice and support.



Become a Bub Club Perinatal Care Instructor.
If you're interested in buying a Perinatal Care branch, please take a look below.



Are you a Registered Nurse / Midwife?Great! Then you will only need to complete the Bub Club Instructor Training on our unique evidence based approach and ethos. This is a one-day update, broken into 2 or 3 x morning sessions, that will assist you to teach support-minded and evidence-based Antenatal Classes to pregnant couples. You will gain a more thorough understanding of the softer side of labour support, the psychology of becoming a parent and the latest evidence on attachment parenting and best breastfeeding practice. You will be fully equipped to give the best support and caring advice to the couples that you teach. If you are not qualified to teach childbirth education, don't worry, we have an option for you too. Please reach out to us by applying via the form below.



This is a unique “BUSINESS IN A BOX” opportunity. We have taken the hassle out of you having to source your own equipment, and have done it for you!

You will receive your starter pack of demo apparatus which will enable you to teach a class of 10 expectant couples.


As part of your Bub Club Perinatal Care "BUSINESS IN A BOX", you will receive the following included:


·Bub Club Childbirth Educators Teacher’s Manual with full curriculum

·Fully prepared, Bub Club branded, multi-media Power Point Presentations for all four modules of the course: Birth 101, Baby 101, Breastfeeding 101 and Safety 101.


·Teaching apparatus for 10 couples, including:

  • 6 x birth balls

  • 10 x mini chalk boards

  • 10 x ping pong balls

  • 1 x model of the pelvis

  • 6 x baby dolls

  • 6 x baby mats

  • 3 x baby baths

  • 3 x baby hooded towels

  • 3 x receiving blankets

  • 1 x cellular blanket

  • 3 x newborn vests and baby grows

  • 11 x crocheted breasts

  • 5 x feeding pillows


**Should you need more equipment to start, this can be

arranged at an additional cost.

**TV/ projector/screen and Laptop not included



As an established brand, Bub Club has a very strict brand image to maintain. Head office will therefore provide each Instructor with a Facebook Page and Instagram account according to area, that will be managed by the instructors. Basic content will be supplied monthly.


Daily posting of class related content etc will be for the instructor, however Bub Club SA will still own all social media accounts and appear as admins. A social media pack of monthly branded posters will be supplied by Head Office.


All graphics and design work, to be used for marketing media, digital flyers, hard copy flyers, business cards etc will be designed by Head Office.


Printing of all marketing material is for the instructor’s own account.


Instructors will appear on the Bub Club SA website so that clients can easily see where classes are held and make contact with each instructor.



To protect each Instructor, we will not allow for two branches to operate within the same suburban area. Each prospective Instructor needs to apply for their chosen area and preferably show, according to a map (or at least a detailed explanation), their area of choice - or in some instances, first and second choice, if they are looking at renting premises. Bub Club Head Office reserves the right to decide on the boundaries of areas. Their decision is final.


As a Bub Club Instructor and Childbirth Educator, you will need an adequate space preferably within a hospital or medical/wellness centre or professional equivalent to teach your classes. Should you wish to use your home, this would need to be a private, professional looking space. Venue would ideally be a space to comfortably accommodate up to a bare minimum of 10 pregnant couples, demo apparatus and stations for practical work. We recommend investing in either a large TV or preferably screen and projector set up, venue dependant.


The space would need to be private enough so that couples can feel comfortable to ask questions and fully relax.

Air conditioning or at least a ceiling fan is a necessity, as well as some form of heating for colder days.

Note that pictures of prospective spaces will need to be submitted for approval to Bub Club Head Office.


An adequate tea/coffee/refreshment station is needed - to offer beverages and snacks to your couples before and during sessions.



Our Bub Club Antenatal Course is divided into four modules:


  • Birth 101

  • Baby 101

  • Breastfeeding 101

  • Safety 101


You may opt to teach these modules over 4 x 3 hr week-day evening sessions (typically from 5pm till 8pm) or over 3 x 4 hr Saturday morning sessions (typically from 8.30am till 12.30pm), or both, if there is the demand to run two courses concurrently.


  • The psychology of becoming parents

  • Understanding what pregnancy, birth & parenting means to us as individuals and a couple

  • Writing a Birth Plan

  • The stages of labour and birth

  • Vaginal Birth options

  • Positions for an active and upright labour and birth

  • Managing discomfort in labour

  • Pain relief options

  • Caesarean Birth options

  • Mindset and relaxation

  • Breathing techniques




  • What to expect on the first day

  • Newborn baby behaviour

  • Changing a nappy, Dressing & Swaddling technique (and the science behind it)

  • Setting up your home environment for max convenience

  • Common concerns that we don’t have to worry about

  • Bathing your baby

  • Understanding your baby: hunger cues, tired clues and stress signals

  • How to comfort and respond to your baby

  • Common baby problems and what to do: Crying, Fever, constipation, Diarrhoea & Dehydration

  • Where should baby sleep?

  • Safe sleep recommendations and practical set up at home

  • Cot Death (SIDS) and factors that are proven to reduce it

  • What to do when my baby is sick?



  • Why is breastfeeding important?

  • The first 3 days

  • Expectation Vs Reality

  • What is colostrum and why does baby need it?

  • The mechanics of a good latch

  • Positions for feeding

  • How milk is made

  • When? How long? How often?

  • Bottles and pacifiers

  • Expressing and going back to work


Images Antenatal Branch for website (Website).png


  • Infant CPR protocols

  • Chocking protocols



If you are a registered Midwife, Doula or Lactation Consultant or other health professional:

Once off cost: R80 000.00

This includes all training and starter kit apparatus as well as the initial rights of use to the Bub Club Perinatal Care IP and Curriculum.

Should you need to study to become a childbirth educator, this can be facilitated by us for an added fee.

Bub Club Training must be completed within 2 months from payment. Teaching of classes must start no later than 1 month from completion of training. Delivery of your full “BUSINESS IN A BOX” starter pack will be made before training commences. Courier is for your own account.


Monthly Costs:

A 15% of monthly turnover or a minimum of R5000.00 per month (subject to annual inflation), whichever is greater, to Bub Club Head Office as royalty fees to cover brand affiliation, administration, marketing and social medial costs.


Antenatal Class Fees:

You may charge each expectant couple R2350.00 for the full course, which should span three or four weeks, depending on your choice of layout. We would encourage you to offer a new course every month. This amount is set as standard and is subject to annual increase across our branches in South Africa. Should you be a Registered Nurse / Midwife, couples may claim a portion of this back from their Maternity Benefit via their medical aid. Should you be a Doula or Allied Health Professional or Birth Worker, no medical aid coverage is provided.



Should you wish to apply to purchase a branch, please get in touch via the form below. Please tell us a bit about yourself and family, your qualifications or experience and why you feel that you would make a great Bub Club Instructor and we will be in contact shortly to arrange a meeting.

Looking forward to welcoming you to the Bub Club team.



Become a Bub Club Mummy & Me Instructor.
If you're interested in buying a Mummy & Me branch, please take a look below.



Bub Club Instructor Training

You will receive full Bub Club Instructor training on our unique curriculum. This will allow you to teach enrichment classes from 2 to 6 months. You will gain an understanding of age-appropriate milestones and development for each age group. You will also be fully equipped to handle giving support, within your scope of practice, to the mums that you teach.

This is a full 3-day course held in Hillcrest, KZN or via Zoom. On-going training will always be on offer to you with quarterly support and check in services offered to all instructors. All instructors will become part of a national WhatsApp instructor support group.


IAIM Training

The International Association of Infant Massage offers you an exceptional and comprehensive 4-day online course with the highest professional standard of training that is in huge demand throughout the world. This course enables you to become a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), an internationally recognised qualification. With the training, you will be qualified to teach Infant Massage to parents. Enhancing bonds, promote healthy development of the infant and provide support for parents.


Once this two-part training is complete you will be qualified to teach the full birth to 6 month curriculum



As a Bub Club Instructor, you will receive the full 10 week birth to 3 months curriculum to support mums through the delicate fourth trimester, guiding them through breastfeeding challenges, sleep issues, weaning and so much more. You will also receive 52 theme based, easy to use, age appropriate lesson plans for the 3-6 month classes, as part of your "BUSINESS IN A BOX". This takes all of the guesswork out and equips you to hit the ground running.

This curriculum is the first of its kind in the “Mum and Baby Classes” field and will make a huge impact on the way we support new Mums.


This is a unique “BUSINESS IN A BOX” opportunity. We have taken the hassle out of you having to source your own equipment, and done it for you! You will receive your starter pack of indoor equipment which will enable you to teach a class of 10 mums and babies.


Equipment includes:

  • Changing mat

  • Seating cushions for Mums

  • Baby floor mats and tummy time wedges

  • Stimulation equipment & toys

  • Demo baby doll



To protect each Instructor, we will not allow for two branches to operate within the same suburban area. Each prospective Instructor needs to show according to the map or detailed explanation, their area of choice or in some instances first and second choice, if they are looking at renting premises.


As an instructor you will need an adequate space to teach your classes. This would ideally be a space no smaller than 30 square meters to comfortably accommodate up to 10 moms and babies.

The space would need to be private enough so that mothers can feel comfortable to breastfeed and fully relax.

Air conditioning or at least a ceiling fan is a necessity as well as some form of heating for colder days - A second lounge within the home, home studio, granny flat or even renovated garage space can make very comfortable studios.


Note that pictures and videos of prospective spaces will need to be submitted for approval to Bub Club Head Office.

The option of having a tea/coffee station is beneficial - to offer beverages to your moms after classes are finished.

Baby Stretches



This empowering 10 week course is designed to support and nurture new mothers during the crucial first months after birth. Held in person, each 90-minute weekly session offers a sanctuary where Mums can connect with other mothers and gain essential skills and knowledge to confidently navigate this transformative time.



  • Understanding Newborn Baby Behaviour

  • Newborn Sleep and Routine

  • Attachment Theory and Bonding

  • Breastfeeding

  • Infant Massage

  • Returning to Work

  • Baby Stimulation


In each class baby will be appropriately stimulated and Mum's will be given the chance to interact with other Mum’s within their baby’s age group. Each week has a new theme and activities will be planned around that theme.


Classes are 1 hr. 30 min long and include 10 - 15 min free play or reading time upon arrival, a 35 min music and movement-based lesson on the mat, using various props and equipment to entice and entertain baby. We include tummy time, proprioception, vestibular, gross and fine motor


This is followed by complimentary tea / coffee and chat time.


Bub Club Classes are baby-led, mother focused and judgement 


We encourage our branch holders to collaborate with other professionals in the perinatal field and hold educational workshops and talks for new parents. These workshops are charged at a per person rate at a fee decided upon by the speaker and branch holder and are held at the branch holder’s discretion. We do however encourage one per quarter as these talks are a great way to collaborate and grow your client base.


Examples of Workshops:

  • Weaning Workshops with a Dietician

  • Healthy Eating for the Family with a Dietician

  • Milestone Workshops with a Physiotherapist

  • Postpartum recovery with a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

  • Exercise in the postpartum period with a Physiotherapist or Personal Trainer

  • Potty Training Workshops

  • Speech Development...etc


Once off Costs

The total cost of the Bub Club “BUSINESS IN A BOX” is

R80 000.00

This includes all training and starter kit apparatus as well as the initial rights of use to the Bub Club IP and Curriculum.

Training must be completed within 2 months from payment. Teaching of classes must start no later than 1 month from completion of training. Delivery of your full “BUSINESS IN A BOX” starter pack will be made before training commences. Courier for own account.


Monthly Costs

Instructors will be required to pay a total of 12% of monthly turnover or a minimum payment of R1 500.00 pm, whichever is greater to Bub Club Head Office for royalty fees, brand affiliation, administration, marketing and social medial costs.


Should you wish to apply to purchase a branch and become an Instructor, please get in touch via the form below. Please tell us a bit about yourself and family, your qualifications or experience and why you feel that you would make a great Bub Club Instructor and we will be in contact shortly to arrange a meeting.

Looking forward to welcoming you to the Bub Club team.

To find out more about becoming an instructor please fill out the form below. We look forward to welcoming you
to our team.
Which branch are you interested in purchasing?

Thanks for submitting!

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