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Mummy & Me Enrichment Classes

Birth to 6 Months

These empowering classes are designed to support and nurture new mothers and babies during the crucial first months after birth and throughout the fourth trimester.

Held weekly, each session offers a sanctuary where Mums can connect with other mothers and gain essential skills and knowledge to confidently navigate this transformative time.



  • Understanding Newborn Baby Behaviour

  • Newborn Sleep and Routine

  • Attachment Theory and Bonding

  • Breastfeeding

  • Infant Massage

  • Returning to Work

  • Baby Stimulation


In each class baby will be appropriately stimulated and Mum's will be given the chance to interact with other Mum’s within their baby’s age group. Each week has a new theme and activities will be planned around that.


Classes are 1 hr. 30 min long and include 10 - 15 min free play or reading time upon arrival, a 35 min music and movement-based lesson on the mat, using various props and equipment to entice and entertain baby. We include tummy time, proprioception, vestibular, gross and fine motor


This is followed by complimentary tea / coffee and chat time.


Bub Club Classes are baby-led, mother focused and judgement free and a safe space for Mum's to share experiences and ask questions.


Mother and Baby on Floor
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